Savanna HS



Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Teens: Facts for Teens and Their Parents

If you've ever wondered if you're gay, lesbian, or bisexual, you're not alone. Many teens ask themselves this questions, and here are ways to find some answers. For parents and caregivers, finding out your son or daughter is gay, lesbian, or bisexual can present challenges. Learn more about how to be supportive.. Health Concerns for Gay and Lesbian Teens

Information for LGBT teens on sexual activity, substance abuse, mental health, discrimination, and violence.

Q Card Project

The Q Card is a simple and easy-to-use communication tool designed to empower LGBTQ youth to become actively engaged in their health, and to support the people who provide their care.

Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN): Student Action

As a student, you have the power to make change in many ways in your school and community.

It Gets Better Project

The It Gets Better Project inspires people across the globe to share their stories and remind the next generation of LGBTQ+ youth that hope is out there, and it will get better.

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Genders & Sexualities Alliance Network

GSA clubs are student-run organizations that unite LGBTQ+ and allied youth to build community and organize around issues impacting them in their schools and communities.

Stomp Out Bullying: Making Schools Safe for LGBTQ Community

Schools should be a young person's primary center for learning, growing, and building a foundation for success in the world. High school can be challenging for any student, but LGBTQ youth face additional obstacles of harassment, abuse, and violence.

Q Chat Space

Q Chat Space is a digital LGBTQ+ center where teens join live-chat, professionally facilitated, online support groups. Also available in Spanish (disponible en español).



The Trevor Project Website

An online international peer-to-peer community for LGBTQ young people and their friends.

Trevor Space


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The Pacific Center Website

The Pacific Center offers extensive LGBTQ youth programming, including free drop-in groups, counseling and opportunities for activism. The Pacific Center also offers HIV counseling and information about testing sites.


2712 Telegraph Avenue

Berkeley, CA 94705

Phone: 510-548-8283


Lifeworks Mentoring Website

LifeWorks Mentoring offers two mentoring programs for LGBTQ youth ages 15-24. For youth ages 15 and older, LifeSupport is a weekly peer mentoring program where youth can come and talk with peers, make friends and take part in monthly workshops.


1125 N. McCadden Place

Los Angeles, CA 90038

Phone: 818-506-5344



The Center Long Beach Website

Mentoring Youth Through Empowerment (MYTE) is committed to improving the quality of life for LGBTQ youth by providing a safe, affirmative environment for peer interaction and by enlisting informed, productive and positive role models.


2017 E. Fourth Street

Long Beach, CA 90814

Phone: 562-434-4455 ext. 227



Walden Family Services Website

Walden Family Services’ LGBTQ Network is designed to meet the special needs of LGBTQ foster youth.


6150 Mission Gorge Road, Suite 210

San Diego, CA 92120

Phone: 619-584-5777

Fax: 619-584-5757


Center for Young Women's Development Website

CYWD provides on-going opportunities to young low-income lesbians of color who are involved in the juvenile justice system and who have lived and worked on the streets of San Francisco.


832 Folsom Street, Suite #700

San Francisco, CA 94107

Phone: 415-703-8800

Fax: 415-703-8818

Marlene Sanchez, Executive Director



Asian and Pacific Islander Wellness Center Website (uRL needs update)

AQU25A (Asian & Pacific Islander Queer and Questioning Under 25, Altogether) is a program of Asian/Pacific Islander (including multiracial/multiethnic APA) LGBTQ youth age 25 and under.


730 Polk Street

San Francisco, CA 94109

Phone: 415-292-3400


South Bay Center Website

The Outlet is a social network for LGBTQ young adults ages 18-30.


PO Box 4218

Torrance, CA 90510

Phone: 310-328-6550

Youth: 310-328-6550



Billy DeFrank LGBT Community Center Website

LGBTQ Youth Space is a community drop-in center and mental health program for LGBTQ and allied youth ages 13-25 who live in Santa Clara County.


938 The Alameda

San Jose, CA 95126

Phone: 408-293-3040

Intake Line: 408-343-7940



The Stonewall Alliance Center Website

The Stonewall Alliance Center has provided a drop-in group for LGBTQ youth since 1994. Currently, it has two discussion groups, SAY Twenties and SAY Teens.


358 East 6th Street

Chico, CA 95927

Phone: 530-893-3336




Sisters of Sakia Website

Sisters of Sakia is a collective that exists to empower and specifically address the needs of young queer women of African descent.


PO Box 743038

Los Angeles, CA 90004

Phone: 310-902-6292



Stanislaus Pride Center Website

The GLBTQ Youth Group provides social opportunities and support to LGBTQ and allied youth ages 14 to 9.

Youth can expect a safe, friendly and confidential environment, with food and music provided.


201 Needham Street

Modesto, CA 95354

Phone: 209-338-0855

Fax: 209-338-0852



Larkin Street Youth Services Website

With 25 comprehensive youth service programs located throughout San Francisco in over 13 sites, Larkin Street Youth Services is now an internationally recognized model successfully integrating street outreach and emergency shelter, primary medical care, transitional housing, and job training and scholarship assistance to get homeless and at risk kids off the streets.


701 Sutter Street, Suite 2

San Francisco, CA 94109

Phone: 415-673-0911

Fax: 415-749-3838


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Community Center of San Diego Website

The Youth Housing Project will provide 23 units of affordable, supportive housing for youth between 18-24 years of age, with a special focus on LGBTQ youth who are currently transitioning out of foster care and/or group homes or living in the streets.


3909 Centre Street

San Diego, CA 92103

Phone: 619-255-7854 ext. 102



The Center Orange County Website

This LGBT community center offers free drop-in HIV testing six days a week, with a special youth drop-in from 1:30-6 PM Wednesdays, as well as recreational youth programming.


1605 N. Spurgeon Street

Santa Ana, CA 92701

Phone: 714-953-5428

Fax: 714-246-8907

Counseling info: 714-953-5428 ext. 330

Youth info: 714-953-5428 ext. 206


Reach LA Website

Through its media arts programs, REACH LA is committed to advocacy of LGBTQ youth rights, visibility for the LGBTQ youth of color community, fostering LGBTQ youth creative media expressions and building connections to existing resources.


1400 E. Olympic Boulevard, Suite 240

Los Angeles, CA 90021

Phone: 213-622-1650



L.A. Gay &Lesbian Center Website

The Jeff Griffith Youth Center

The Youth Center is a safe, welcoming place where youth can get free meals, clothing and emergency shelter, as well as housing and education support.

Transitional Living Program

This program offers LGBT youth 18-24 years old a safe, comfortable place to live for up to 18 months in dorm-style rooms.

Latino Services

Created by The Center, the mission of Latino/a Services is to provide a safe, welcoming and culturally and linguistically appropriate space that allows our community members to accept and embrace all of who they are, including their culture, traditions, language, spirituality and sexual and gender identities.


McDonald/Wright Building

1625 N. Schrader Boulevard

Los Angeles, CA 90028

Phone: 323-993-7450



Zuna Institute Website

Zuna proposes that in order to counter the effect of the disproportionate impact of social discrimination and stigma on black lesbians, we need the development of a healthy black lesbian identity.


4660 Natomas Boulevard 120-181

Sacramento, CA 95835

Phone: 916-207-1037



Sacramento Gay and Lesbian Center Website

The Center provides a safe place for LGBT people to seek free legal assistance, referrals and information without judgment.


1927 L Street

Sacramento, CA 95811

Phone: 916-442-0185

Fax: 916-325-1840



Spectrum LGBT Center Website

Spectrum is currently hosting a monthly support group for LGBTQ youth ages 14-19.


30 N. San Pedro Road, Suite 160

San Rafael, CA 94903

Phone: 415-472-1945

Fax: 415-472-2158

Youth: 415-472-1945 ext. 203

Counseling: 415-472-1945 ext. 273



Bienestar Website

Mpowerment is Bienestar’s community level intervention program targeting gay/bisexual Latino youth ages 18 to 24 at risk of HIV infection.


5326 East Beverly Blvd

Los Angeles, CA 90022


Phone: 323-727-7896 ext. 116


Legal Services for Children Website

LSC provides confidential legal and related social services to LGBTQ young people, free of charge. LSC also provides legal representation in cases of guardianship, emancipation, child abuse and neglect and school discipline.


1254 Market Street, Third Floor

San Francisco, CA 94102

Phone: 415-863-3762

Fax: 415-863-7708





Advocates for Youth (AFY): Are you an Askable Parent?

AFY provides lesson plans, tips and strategies, background information, and additional resources to help youth-serving professionals create safe space for young people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. Coming Out: Information for Parents of LGBT Teens

"Coming out" is a lifelong journey of understanding, acknowledging and sharing one's gender identity and/or sexual orientation with others.

Parents' Influence on the Health of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Teens: What Parents and Families Should Know

Information on how parents can promote positive health outcomes for their LGB teen.

American Psychological Association: Understanding Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

Accurate information for those who want to better understand sexual orientation. Sexual Attraction and Orientation

Information for parents on how youth experience sexual attraction and orientation, as well as how you as a parent or guardian may feel about and deal with youth on this topic.

SAMHSA: Helping Families to Support their LGBT Children

This resource guide was developed to help practitioners who work in a wide range of settings to understand the critical role of family acceptance and rejection in contributing to the health and well-being of adolescents who identify as LGBT.

The Family Acceptance Project

The Family Acceptance Project is a research, intervention, education, and policy initiative that works to prevent health and mental health risks for LGBT children and youth.

Parents, Families, Friends, and Allies of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG)

Information about PFLAG's confidential peer support and education in communities. Information for Parents

Parents play a key role in preventing and responding to bullying. If you know or suspect that your child is involved in bullying, here are several resources that may help.


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